Bible Hill/Sydney

“Well, this is my obituary and if you are reading this in the paper, I must be gone off this earth, or else I am back in Spirit form. My name is Edward M. MacPherson, and I was the oldest of five, myself, my brother and three sisters were the children of Ralph M. Lewis (MacPherson) and Catherine MacPherson (MacDonald) and as of today, Saturday, April 8, 2023, I do not know how I died, but hopefully it was quick and painless, and I do not want to be a burden to anyone.

I lived a rather good life with a few bad years, as I was an alcoholic and had started drinking at the age of 10 years old, and continued till I was 31.

I was a gay male and knew from a very early age that I was different but did not understand it and had no one to ask or talk to, as I was always attracted to boys of my age and could not understand.

I do not know who will be surviving me, but I know who has predeceased me, my parents; aunts; uncles; a few nephews and nieces and above all my dearest and most precious husband of 29 years, William Thomson Taylor, who was my rock and stood beside me through much turmoil. William was 83 when he passed.

I do not want any type of funeral because if you did not come to see me when I was alive, do not come after I am dead. I am not here anymore, just an empty shell as my Spirit is floating around and hopefully, I will be able to look down upon all who are left behind and smile and just look at all the foolish ones saying stupid things about me.

Do not cry for me as I am the lucky one, who is out of the pain and woes of the world and gone unto something much better, I hope.

I did a fair amount of volunteer work and enjoyed it very much as I found it to be very gratifying and for me, that was even better then all the paying jobs I had over the years. The people who I volunteered with and for would always have a nice smile and a great story and much appreciation for me. Money cannot buy this kind of happiness.

Thanks to the many people who were instrumental in shaping me into the person who I had become over the years as I had many who came into my life for a season and a reason and for me, they had given me many good life lessons.

Thanks to the people who had looked after me in my final days and hours and I hope I was not trouble to anyone. I always sign off with, many warm and wonderful hugs with much love to one and all. Always remember me just as you will, and I hope I was good to each and everyone and gave you some good laughs and excuse me if I was harsh but that was my bad side.”


Graveside service for the late Edward MacPherson will be held at Forest Haven Memorial Gardens on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 1 p.m. with Rev. Robert Lyle officiating.

Donations in memory of Edward may be made to a charity of one’s choice.

Funeral arrangements are entrusted to the care and direction of Pier Community Funeral Home.

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